Thursday, March 19, 2009

the obligatory Santa photo

...nothing says Christmas like a UK shirt and Charles Dicken hats!

Happy Christmas...oh so late

Ummm, I know everybody says it..."gosh I haven't blogged in a while" but GOSH, I HAVE NOT BLOGGED IN A WHILE! But I'm just gonna glaze over the last 5 months, say alot of stuff has been going on, some worth repeating and elaborating and some not, and just move on to the present. Be in the moment, live in the present, be right here right now...did you hear the little twinkling of chimes? There was a deep sigh, a moment of reflection, and a yoga pose that all just happened...OMMMMMMM.
Firstly, a family photo to send out to friends and family. No...I did not overlook anyone on my Christmas card list this year...just did not get to it, feel like doing it, or really even cared. I know that's such a "Scrooge" way to feel, but that's generally how I feel around the holidays and this year was no exception. But instead of giving in, and rushing around to do the obligatory photo session and card....I just skipped it. Bah Hum bug.
Upward and onward...Working on house and relocation details...lots more to happen in the next few days. Job front...also working on details and not ready to update.
School starts next week for the boys...Hooray! did you hear the twinkling of chimes again???

Saturday, August 11, 2007

So everybody has their own version of a superhero...there's Superman, Underdog, Whataburger Boy! Of course, able to suck down a large sprite in 20 seconds and eat a man-size portion of greasy fries all while wearing his supercape and oh so hip- super whataburger spectacles.

Man this kid cracks me up!

The whole house is bustling with excitement today...all for different reasons. Firstly, it's the weekend. We finally received our Playmobil shipment of the Romans and the Coliseum. This is a huge deal if you're into Playmobil. I mean,how many kids have their own beasts vs. the Christians play scenarios??? Of course you all do.

Eleanor, the newest member of our furry family finally gets to go home with us today. She is a little Australian Shepherd puppy that was rescued from some loser that threw her and her sister out in a box behind WalMart a few weeks ago. They were only 1 or 2 weeks old. A Rescue Agency has been fostering her. The sister died and Eleanor has struggled but she is finally well enough and our family was chosen to be her new "forever family." I love that.

And....if that wasn't enough, the glorious Donna Downey is in town at my LSS and teaching a few classes. We "cropped" last night and shared a cold Whataburger meal so I thought this little picture was appropriate. I plan to get by today for a few pics and say hello again. And then my old college roommate and friend and her two little ones are coming to visit. So there will be a little wine flowing and lots of chat of the good ol'e days and reminiscing about those non-mother years.

Ciao for now! We're off to dispose of a mole that was apparently murdered in our yard yesterday. Ahhh, life in the burbs.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Back among the living...

A little summer excursion to Corpus, a round trip to CHA in Chicago, and a house full of temperature-running kiddos...It's been a full summer already. And still, my scrapbook room remains cluttered and not-so-perfect but I promised I would get there by end of summer. Ahhh, two more weeks. As far as CHA, well just get your Visa and MasterCards out. So much cute stuff coming to the Scrapbook Pad and coming soon. I think the new KI stuff was my favorite because it's just so loud but some really adorable vintage-shabby-chic stuff from...oh, the name escapes coming too. Just so different and cute cute cute. Oh, and Prima watercolor paper!!! It's just the coolest. Gosh...It's just sick to get this giddy about papercrafting products. Well, I'm in good company with all you other sickos at least.

Enjoy, Create, Observe

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Envision Mary Tyler Moore throwing her hat up in the air as she walks the streets of Chicago in the opening of the Mary Tyler Moore show. She's happy, carefree, and celebrating something I think. Well, now that I've really dated myself...I just found out I have another published layout out there. And with Cosmo Cricket. Wahoo!!! Sure, almost anybody can be "published" these days but I'm still celebrating because I don't really want to work at this whole "being published" thing and let it happen if it happens...and it's happened again. I think I ended up getting pregnant 3 times with this same philosophy. LOL ! Just wanted to share...gotta go find my flying hat. I may just have to eat it later.
Speaking of eating, I started BOOT Camp today. Not U.S Army boot camp-which I have done by the way, but that is a whole other story-but Fitness Boot Camp. Have you heard of this??? It's a crash course in Fat kids Summer Camp I guess. Needless to say, after my work out this morning at 5:30, all I can think about is how sore I am and how some nachos, ice cream, or pizza would really just make it "all better." Ahhh, a full belly and a nap. I guess my Drill Sargeant did not yell or humiliate me enough this morning. There's no shaming me into being fat. Ugh! No,I'm gonna do it for a month and see how things go, clothes fit, etc... But for now, just celebrating my 15 split seconds of creative fame, even if it is only in my head.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Arggghh ye mateeeys!

Ahh, just in a piratey mood today. Been a workin' on paper mache treasure boxes, looty ( or booty) bags, and with lots of Teresa Collins Junkitz paperzzzz. ( that's in case ya' wern't detectin' the groggly pirate voice that is a-playin in me head) The boys have been dressing up and playing pirates for about a week now, tying each other up, and hiding treasure around the ole' houseboat, drinking pirate swill, and just having general piratey fun. Thank ye' Jack Sparrow for the inspiration. And THANK You Johnny Depp for being Jack Sparrow, but a'last ye' matey, that's another story for another day. Hope everyone is planning on tracking over to Arlington to the big Scrapbook Show and will say HI to the Scrapbook Pad Girls this weekend.

Oh another Buns four your old took off his pajama shirt this morning and said "whew, thank goodness, I didn't grow any buns." Who writes this stuff???

Land HO!!!

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